Laldy Pty Ltd
(Local Government: Cairns Regional Council)
The development is located on the corner of Spence and Lake Street within the Cairns central business district. The existing building is of architectural and cultural significance to the built history of Cairns.
The proposal for this development was to improve and expand on the existing activities including internal and external building works to assist in the renovation and expansion of tenancies. All external building works focused on restoring the existing 1920s façade and expanding on Cairns Regional Council’s recent works in the Lake Street re-development which involves transforming up to five (5) carparking spaces for community purpose, outdoor dining and landscaping.
Urban Sync were engaged to:
- prepare a town planning report to obtain a development permit for a material change of use for a food and drink outlet and office and a preliminary approval for building works; and
- provide ongoing assistance to the applicant including obtaining a road permit and management of the approvals through the construction phase.
The report sought to define the architectural and cultural significance of the existing built form, with the project underpinned by the applicant’s proposal to reinstate the historical façade to embrace the architectural lexicons of the 1920s as a means of redefining the streetscape, re-establishing one of the many cultural identities of the City, and to encourage social interactions.

Urban Sync was engaged to prepare the Town Planning report and provide ongoing assistance to the applicant.
Location: Corner of Spence and Lake Street, Cairns CBD
Project Type: Material Change of Use & Building Works
Customer: Laldy Pty Ltd